Services We Offer

Here at Sensational Kids we offer a variety of services that help your child learn and grow. We offer Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy for children 0-16 years old. Our therapists work one-on-one with your child to help them excel in all areas of life.


Occupational Therapy (OT)

Occupational therapy gives children skills for participating in all aspects of life -- play, self-care, household tasks, school, and community participation. Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) complete comprehensive evaluations & create customized treatment plans to help children & their families develop new skills or modify their environment(s) in order to live fulfilling & satisfying lives. Pediatric OTs utilize therapeutic activities that are meaningful to a child in order to promote physical, cognitive, social, and sensory processing skills.

How could occupational therapy benefit my child?
Our occupational therapists serve a variety of children, including the following difficulties & diagnoses:

  • Concerns with problem-solving, attention, memory, or learning

  • Delayed social and/or play skills

  • Difficulties with fine motor or gross motor coordination

  • Feeding difficulties (limited variety, food refusals, poor utensil use)

  • Limited participation in self-care or basic household tasks

  • Poor self-regulation or coping with frustration

Sensory processing concerns (seeking/avoiding movement, touch, or sounds)


Speech Therapy (ST)

Speech Therapy is a skilled treatment that focuses on speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) evaluate and diagnose individuals in order to identify communication problems and/or feeding and swallowing disorders. SLPs also provide guidance in the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for individuals with severe speech and language deficits. Our pediatric speech therapy sessions include structured play, parent training, and more in order to effectively target speech, language, and swallowing disorders.

How could speech therapy help my child?
Our speech therapists serve a variety of children, including the following difficulties & diagnoses:

  • Apraxia (difficulties with forming sounds or speaking with normal speed or rhythm)

  • Articulation/phonological disorders (substituting/omitting sounds in words)

  • Auditory processing disorders (difficulty understanding or remembering verbal directions)

  • Autism spectrum disorders (echolalia, robotic speech, social challenges)

  • Cognitive-communication disorders (memory/attention difficulties resulting from a brain injury)

  • Developmental speech delay (not achieving developmental milestones)

  • Feeding and swallowing disorders (choking, drooling, limited food variety)

  • Fluency disorders (stuttering)

  • Pragmatic language disorders (difficulty with conversational skills)

Receptive/expressive language disorders (difficulty understanding the meanings of words or symbols, or expressing thoughts and ideas)


Not sure if your child would benefit from therapy?

Our knowledgeable team is here to provide guidance and support, helping you navigate your child's needs and determine the best path forward. We're ready to assist you every step of the way!